
Breaking ground to make the transition tangible

The energy transition is a massive undertaking for society as a whole and we are going all out to help speed up this process. Our infrastructure is essential to making the transition happen.

2023 was a turning point. We went from plans and projections to breaking ground on new projects. With infrastructure for security of supply that we can sustainably deploy tomorrow for the benefit of the carbon-neutral society. And this is just the beginning. We have set off, powered by the vibrant strength and forward-looking commitment of all our employees.


Interview with our CEO and our Chairman

Before we look ahead, what did Fluxys Belgium stand for in 2023? 

Pascal De Buck We broke ground on projects showing what Fluxys Belgium stands for in the energy transition. The new pipeline along the Zeebrugge-Brussels corridor was built and is now in use. Not only is it now a cornerstone for securing the supply of natural gas in Belgium and neighbouring countries, but it is also ready to be used in the national hydrogen network of the future. We're here to offer society security of supply while speeding up the green transition.

Andries Gryffroy We have set off. Industrially, we've taken the first big step towards the multi-molecule infrastructure for a carbon-neutral future. We're also ready to work towards the necessary hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure within the new legal frameworks. We're continuing to move full steam ahead at the pace of industry. For numerous companies, switching to hydrogen or CO2 capture is the only way forward if they want to continue anchoring their business and employment locally.

Is industry ready for this transition?

Pascal De Buck Decarbonisation is a major economic challenge for industry. We offer an answer to this challenge because we operate internationally through our parent company Fluxys and because we're particularly well positioned between the North Sea and the large industrial valleys in North-West Europe. We're on the path between overseas imports of low-carbon molecules and consumers, and in the opposite direction, between captured CO2 from industry and safe storage sites in the North Sea. This enables us to attract large volumes and factor economies of scale into the cost of our services. We're on track to become the hydrogen and CO2 hub of choice for industry in Belgium and North-West Europe.

Pascal De Buck

  We're here to offer society security of supply while speeding up the green transition."

Pascal De Buck
Managing Director and CEO

What challenges lie ahead?

Pascal De Buck We absolutely need an integrated approach to the energy system as a whole because making the transition to net-zero is a threefold challenge. We must ensure a carbon-neutral energy mix while households and businesses need to have energy at all times – all at the lowest possible cost to society. This is only possible by looking at and planning everything holistically. Energy efficiency must improve, we need more green electricity, we need more green and low-carbon molecules and we must ensure that captured CO2 can be reused or stored. We must make all these solutions work together seamlessly like a Swiss watch for the benefit of all consumers.

Andries Gryffroy Efficient investment requires a long-term approach. In developing hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure, we work closely with the market. At the same time, looking further ahead is key: to be cost-effective for society in the long run, we must build the right size infrastructure today for the volumes that will come later. So it's important to find mechanisms together with the public authorities to limit the risks of initial investments.

What does sustainable development look like for Fluxys Belgium?

Andries Gryffroy With our investment plans for hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure in Belgium, we're developing solutions for the large-scale decarbonisation that society needs. The ESG approach we further deepened together with our stakeholders in 2023 gives us direction. It is our compass for developing our business activities sustainably in a long-term perspective for all of our stakeholders.

Andries Gryffroy

  Efficient investment requires a long-term approach."

Andries Gryffroy
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Milestones in 2023

Key figures

Annual report 2023 Key figures


You can download the complete Fluxys Belgium integrated annual report 2023 to find out more about our company's strategy, highlights of the year, ESG performance and financial situation.

Consult our Investors page, for additional financial information, shareholder news and previous annual reports.

Information for investors and shareholders

Fluxys Annual report 2023 cover