Fluxys appointed as hydrogen network operator
Fluxys hydrogen has been appointed on 26 April 2024 as the hydrogen network operator by the Belgian government. We are proud of this important milestone and are eager to start accelerating the new energy future.
The HNO appointment demonstrates the shared ambition of the Belgian government to shape the energy transition and empowers Fluxys hydrogen to further develop a hydrogen network and make the energy transition happen.

Fluxys hydrogen shares years of experience with Fluxys Belgium
As a 100% afilliate of Fluxys Belgium, Fluxys hydrogen can count on the expertise and capabilities of the Belgian transmission system operator over the past decades. Fluxys Belgium has extensive and long-standing experience in the development, construction and safe operation of pipeline infrastructure.
Since 2021, Fluxys Belgium has been preparing its infrastructure network for hydrogen transmission. Today, Fluxys hydrogen is ready to assume the task and offer an open-access network to the market and accelerate the transition to hydrogen.

Fluxys hydrogen fully supports the Federal hydrogen strategy
In accordance with the federal hydrogen strategy, Fluxys hydrogen will undertake the development and operation of a hydrogen pipeline network, which will be part of the "European Hydrogen Backbone". This will enable the necessary low-carbon energy to be transported both for the Belgian market and to neighbouring countries. These molecules are a necessary part of the energy mix, needed to decarbonise society in a cost-efficient manner and taking into account security of supply.

Why is hydrogen important to the Belgian industry?
Renewable energy, such as sun and wind, is not available in unlimited quantities. As companies seek to strike a balance between security of supply, climate impact and cost price, hydrogen often emerges as the best option and makes hydrogen an important link on the path towards a climate-neutral economy.