LNG truck loading services: subscription window from 26 October to 23 November

LNG truck loading at the Zeebrugge LNG terminal has boosted over the past few years and Fluxys has innovated its service offer to enhance availability and flexibility. The current subscription window offers customers the opportunity to secure the number of loading slots they wish to use from 2017 until 2026 included.

Main characteristics

  • 24/7 service - Customers no longer have to keep a 9 to 5 schedule for their loading operations.
  • Online scheduling and reports – With an online tool customers can schedule and reschedule their loading appointments in a flexible way for an entire year. The tool also provides customers with a quantity and quality report straight after loading.

Taking part in the subscription window

The subscription window for securing LNG truck loading slots at the Zeebrugge LNG terminal starts on 26 October 2016 at 06:00 CET and ends on 23 November 2016 at 18:00 CET. Customers can book the number of slots they wish to use in the period 2017-2026 and also indicate their threshold of interest: the minimum number of slots below which they do not wish to book any service.

Contact Kwinten Standaert or Hany Aouad at info.LNG@fluxys.com or via phone on +32 2 282 79 99