New bundling available at Eynatten 2 with VIP Belgium-NCG

First quarterly auctions on 6 May 2019 for the new bundle Eynatten 2 / VIP Belgium-NCG, available on PRISMA

As from 1 July 2019 a new virtual Interconnection Point called VIP Belgium-NCG will be introduced at the German side of Eynatten 2.

The VIP capacity, combining capacities of OGE, Fluxys TENP and Thyssengas, will be on offer as from the quarterly auctions on 6 May 2019.

Do you want to buy this new bundle combining Eynatten 2 (Belgian side) and VIP Belgium-NCG (German side) ? 

Please look on PRISMA for following products :

  • Eynatten 2 / VIP Belgium-NCG (BE > NCG)
  • VIP Belgium-NCG / Eynatten 2 (NCG > BE)
  • Eynatten 2 (for unbundled Fluxys Belgium capacity)

More information in this product sheet