Connected for a sustainable energy future – together

Electricity and gas grid operators recognised as ambassadors for sustainable development - SDG Voice 2021

The operators of Belgium's electricity and gas grids are delighted to have been awarded the title of SDG Voice 2021 by the Federal Minister for Climate, Environment, Sustainable Development and the Green Deal and her administration, the IFDD (Institute for Sustainable Development). This award is an opportunity for them to strengthen the dialogue with their stakeholders and make them aware of the multiple opportunities presented by the energy transition.

The purpose of SDG Voices is not only to promote the sustainable development goals (SDGs), but to make them more accessible to our citizens and businesses so they can help ensure they're achieved. Synergrid and its members will share the SDG 2021 ambassadorship with the following organisations: Open Collective Brussels, Act4Change, Louvrange Broadcast, Netwerk Duurzame Mobiliteit, Wonderfol, Technopolis, and Play4Peace.

The SDGs (sustainable development goals) are part of the United Nations' Agenda 2030 signed by 193 countries. This programme defines 17 goals which aim to create a sustainable world that is "socially equitable, environmentally safe and economically prosperous".

Belgium's nine electricity and gas grid operators (DSOs and TSOs) and Synergrid, the federation representing them, are deeply convinced of the need to move forward inclusively and positively towards greener, more affordable energy that creates jobs and prosperity.

Day in and day out they transmit electricity and gas, two forms of energy essential for ensuring the quality of life of Belgium's citizens and businesses. This makes them natural and legitimate ambassadors for sustainable development and for the societal, environmental and economic challenges we will face as we pursue the energy transition.

The DSOs and TSOs serving as SDG Voices in 2021 are keen to make young people, families, businesses and local authorities aware of just how urgent and important it is to use energy rationally and in a way that aligns with the goals of sustainable development. It is important to make people aware of the multiple opportunities presented by the energy transition so that everyone can become an actor in it.

"Sustainable development lies at the heart of what we do as operators of electricity and gas distribution and transmission systems. Our very purpose is to connect you to energy. Together with you, we are committed to moving forward every day in the transition to sustainable energy. Energy that is accessible to all, allowing you to consume better and become an actor in the transition. We're here to make your life easier and build our world of tomorrow. Through our public service missions, we reach residential consumers, the self-employed, SMEs, large industrial companies as well as municipalities and a great many subcontractors," says Pascal De Buck, President of Synergrid.