Transmission tariffs Fluxys Belgium 2024-2027 approved: 10% tariff decrease maintained

On 6 April 2023, CREG has approved Fluxys Belgium's adapted proposal for natural gas transmission tariffs for the 2024-2027 regulatory period.

The continuation of the 10% tariff reduction granted since July 2022 extends its positive effect on the bills of private individuals, SMEs and large companies for the period 2024-2027. This favourable trend in transmission tariffs is the result of, among other things, Fluxys Belgium's sustained efforts to control costs in the current specific context and a significant restitution to tariffs from the adjustment accounts. As for the latter, a total of more than €550 million will be returned to grid users over the tariff period 2024-2027, i.e. an increase of €250 million compared to the current period 2020-2023.

Press release CREG in French or in Dutch

Decision CREG in French or in Dutch