PRISMA Yearly Auction on 6 July 2020: information regarding the capacity offer of Fluxys Deutschland

We would herewith like to provide you with information regarding the capacities of Fluxys Deutschland GmbH which will be offered in the upcoming yearly capacity auctions on PRISMA to be held on 6 July 2020 (publication on 6 June 2020). This information is provided only for your convenience and is of non-binding nature.

Furthermore, Fluxys Deutschland published the reference price for FZK-capacity according to the BNetzA decision REGENT for the calendar year 2021 on its website:


Please refer to these links for more details about the capacities of Fluxys Deutschland:

• The auction products can be found on the PRISMA platform:

• A complete overview of Fluxys Deutschland’s capacities can be found here:

• Specific information on maintenance activities for Fluxys Deutschland can be found under

For capacities marketed by a partner TSO at a VIP, please refer to the respective publication of this TSO.

The entry capacities are offered in accordance with the BNetzA-decision approving the level of basic capacities according to Section 9 (4) GasNZV (BK7-20-011) and the BNetzA-decision KAP+ introducing an oversubscription and buy-back scheme (BK7-19-037).

In this regard, we would like to refer as well to the recent communication of the German TSOs of 30 April 2020 which Fluxys Deutschland also published on its website:



Greifswald Entry

Fluxys Deutschland´s capacities for the next 15 gas years at the IP Greifswald Entry will be marketed depending on the respective assignment restriction.

The DZK1-capacities will be marketed according to the currently existing assignment restrictions as published on Fluxys Deutschland’s website [] except that the existing assignment restrictions towards the IP Gernsheim (marketed by GRTgaz Deutschland GmbH) will be replaced with the IP Medelsheim / VIP France-Germany (marketed by GRTgaz Deutschland GmbH). Furthermore, the assignment restriction Oberkappel / VIP Oberkappel has been added.

For the DZK2-capacities which currently have an assignment restriction to Fluxys Deutschland’s IP Achim II Exit, this restriction will no longer exist due to Achim II being an IP between the market areas GASPOOL and NCG which will consequently disappear as bookable IP as from the market area merger due on 1 October 2021. The assignment restriction for the DZK2-capacities are currently under investigation.


Achim II Exit

Fluxys Deutschland´s DZK2-capacities at the IP Achim II Exit will be marketed only for gas year 2020/21. As from gas year 2021/22 this IP will disappear as bookable IP due to the market area merger in Germany.


Lubmin II Entry

Fluxys Deutschland´s capacities for the next 5 gas years at the IP Lubmin II Entry will be marketed separately depending on the respective assignment restriction. Due to the EUGAL string 2 being taken into operation approx. as from end of 2020, the corresponding additional capacities will be marketed as from gas year 2021/22.



Fluxys Deutschland´s capacities for the next 5 gas years will be marketed by the VIP-TSO GASCADE Gastransport GmbH at the VIP Brandov-GASPOOL. Due to the EUGAL string 2 being taken into operation approx. as from end of 2020, the corresponding additional capacities will be marketed as from gas year 2021/22.


For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
