Additional firm regasification opportunities in Zeebrugge

Fluxys LNG is contemplating the option of creating up to 6 mtpa (or ~10,5 GWh/h) of additional firm regasification capacity in Zeebrugge in the future.

A first step in this direction is currently ongoing

As from summer 2020, we plan to offer 1,7 mtpa (or ~3 GWh/h) of additional regasification capacity at current regulated tariff (1.52 €/kWh/h/y) - subject to regulatory approval. Find out more in market consultation #43.

How can you subscribe?

Subject to regulatory approval, we plan to offer this capacity to the market for a maximum period of 3 years (until end of 2023) through a subscription window starting in the second half of July and ending mid-August 2020. Past this subscription window you can subscribe unsold capacity on a “first come first served” basis.

Note : as from regulatory approval, and until results of the subscription window will be known, you can already use this capacity offered temporarily as “non nominated send out”.

Call for market interest for additional regasification capacity post-2023

In order to capture market interest for regasification capacity in Zeebrugge in the future, Fluxys LNG intends to synchronize above-mentioned subscription window with a non-binding commitment phase of additional regas capacity to be made available through investments in Zeebrugge. For permitting reasons, the additional capacity is envisaged to be offered in two steps:

  • Step 1: as from early 2024, a total of 4,7 mtpa (or ~8,2 GWh/h) of additional regasification capacity
  • Step 2: as from early 2026, the full 6 mtpa (or ~10,5GWh/h) of additional regasification capacity

Based on the result of the non-binding phase a binding phase in which the market commits itself for the long term is currently foreseen late 2020.