Fluxys LNG: Market Consultation 53 & Information Session: BioLNG Liquefaction Service at Zeebrugge LNG Terminal and Auction Mechanisms

Participate in our market consultation over the BioLNG liquefaction service and auction mechanisms. This market consultation is organized as from July 1 till July 30 2021.

The developed concept will allow LNG shippers to supply the market with BioLNG, which currently enjoys a lot of interest in the heavy duty transport sector and the maritime sector. This innovative BioLNG service is in line with Fluxys LNG’s desire to contribute to a carbon neutral future.

The service has received the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC), a certification recognized in Europe allowing the terminal to be part of a BioLNG supply chain.

Possibility to get access to LNG services through auctions

To offer an alternative access to our LNG services, Fluxys LNG is introducing the possibility to organize auctions for those services, the described mechanism will allow Terminal users to have level playing value based access to our services while keeping a cleared price.


More info

Information Session:

  • Date: Tuesday 20 July 2021
  • Time: 10:00 CET

Link to the info session