Prolongation of temporary capacity restrictions on TENP pipeline system

Extensive inspections on TENP I (Trans Europa Naturgas Pipeline), one of the two natural gas transmission pipelines of the dual gas transmission system from Bocholtz (on the German/Dutch border) to Wallbach (on the German/Swiss border), have revealed corrosion defects, as published by Open Grid Europe GmbH (OGE) and Fluxys TENP GmbH (Fluxys TENP), the transmission system operators of the TENP (Trans Europa Naturgas Pipeline) pipeline System, on 27th September 2017.

The TENP I natural gas transmission pipeline was built in the 1970s. Along the pipeline section from the Eifel to Wallbach the welded joints were coated with a material for protection against corrosion. Over the years, it has partially disbonded from the pipe. In view of these findings and following consultation of the independent technical expert, the TENP I pipeline section affected has been shut down.

In 2017/2018 a pigging as well as extensive excavations and inspections have been performed alongside the TENP I natural gas transmission pipeline. Based on the currently available results and in order to ensure the safety of the TENP pipeline system, a further pigging as well as additional excavations and inspections are needed. Therefore, the maintenance project No. 21019101 (published on the OGE and Fluxys TENP websites) needs to be prolonged. As a result, the transmission capacity of the TENP pipeline system will be restricted until 30th September 2020.

During this period, based on the currently available information, Fluxys TENP will be able to offer a firm capacity of approximately 13 million kWh/h at Entry Bocholtz and a capacity of approximately 9 million kWh/h at Exit Wallbach. The markets have been duly notified, inter alia via the OGE und Fluxys TENP websites. The authorities will also be informed in due course.

OGE and Fluxys TENP are closely cooperating with the adjacent transmission system operators, among others in Switzerland, in order to find operational solutions to maximise the available capacities.

Security of supply being the first priority, OGE and Fluxys TENP are also deeply involved in the calculation of a security of supply scenario for the natural gas supply of Baden-Württemberg, in the framework of the German Ten-Year Development Plan for gas 2018-2028. This scenario considers the case whereby the current capacity situation alongside the TENP would need to be prolonged after the 30th September 2020. In close cooperation with the German transmission system operators supplying or connecting the Baden-Württemberg region, OGE and Fluxys TENP will analyse the different technical solutions ensuring the sustainable natural gas supply of this region. Conclusions are expected by early August.