Introduction of DZK product by Fluxys TENP

The DZK product will be introduced for the transport period as from 1st July 2019.

This product will replace the BZK product offered today by Fluxys TENP on the Interconnection Points on the TENP system. The product will be offered on the newly established VIP Germany-CH and on IP Bocholtz. Open Grid Europe will offer the same product on the newly established VIP Belgium-NCG on behalf of Fluxys TENP.

In this way, we move towards a more harmonized product landscape in Germany.

The DZK product will be on offer for the first time during the quarterly auction of 6 May 2019.

For more information, please consult our Terms and Conditions.

Read the full product description

Do you want to book and use this new DZK product ? 

Please apply for a specific DZK balancing group with NetConnect Germany first.