Construction of new sections on TENP I pipeline system

Construction of new sections on TENP I pipeline system 

In addition to the information already published on 27th September 2017, 21st March 2018, 4th June 2018 and 6th March 2019 regarding the situation of the TENP I pipeline (temporary capacity restriction), Fluxys TENP GmbH (“Fluxys TENP”) and Open Grid Europe GmbH (“OGE”) hereby publish the following update: 

In the light of an unsettled evaluation of the integrity of the TENP I pipeline on the section Boxberg – Wallbach OGE and Fluxys TENP proposed measures in the “German Network Development Plan for Gas 2018-2028” (“NDP 2018”) reflecting future transportation needs in the South of Germany and to Italy/Switzerland. In order to ensure the security of supply needs resulting from the NDP 2018, OGE and Fluxys TENP in their function as shareholders of TENP KG, had decided to start building a new pipeline section between Mittelbrunn-Schwanheim and Hügelheim-Tannenkirch, as well as the necessary connections to the TENP II pipeline. The measures were included in the NDP 2018. 

As a result of this investment, the capacity needs for security of supply for the Baden-Württemberg area identified in previous NDP-processes, being an additional demand of 5.2 GWh/h, will be secured. Additionally, those investments will secure freely allocable capacity of 13.3 GWh/h at the IP/VIP Exit Point Wallbach which at that time had been deemed as minimum requirement for security of supply in Switzerland and Italy.

Based on the results of the investigation regarding the integrity of TENP I pipeline on the section Boxberg – Wallbach, OGE and Fluxys TENP can now confirm not being able to take larger parts of TENP I back into service. Therefore, it can be confirmed that the capacity restriction of 13.3 GWh/h at IP/VIP Exit Point Wallbach as announced by OGE and Fluxys TENP on 6th March 2019 will last until measures from NDP 2018 will be in operation (presumably in 2024).

Meanwhile, OGE, Fluxys TENP, SNAM Rete Gas, Swissgas, FluxSwiss and Transitgas have been asked by the Italian, Swiss and German authorities to analyse further if such capacity at IP/VIP Exit Point Wallbach of 13.3 GWh/h might be sufficient. Such analysis revealed a need for a capacity of 16.2 GWh/h at IP/VIP Exit Point Wallbach to accommodate the security of supply needs of Italy and Switzerland. The above mentioned TSOs informed the Italian, Swiss and German authorities accordingly.

OGE and Fluxys TENP incorporated the revised capacity of 16.2 GWh/h at IP/VIP Exit Point Wallbach in the Scenario Framework for the German Network Development Plan for Gas 2020-2030 (“NDP 2020”) which currently is under examination by the German regulator Bundesnetzagentur. Given that the Scenario Framework will be approved by Bundesnetzagentur, respective measures in order to achieve 16.2 GWh/h at IP/VIP Exit Point Wallbach will be developed in the NDP 2020.

OGE and Fluxys TENP will continue to duly and timely inform the market about any new development regarding the above.