Incremental Capacity: Publication of the offer level and the annual auction

Current situation and approval

The requested entry incremental capacity (up to 16.8 GWh/h) exceeds the current available base capacity on the German side of the market area border (11.3 GWh/h). Therefore, Fluxys TENP, GASCADE, Open Grid Europe and Thyssengas (hereinafter " TSOs involved") have developed a project to create new entry capacity. The technically available capacity on the Belgian side of the market area border (up to 22.6 GWh/h) is sufficient to satisfy the requested exit capacity.

The TSOs involved published a project application for the creation of new entry capacity on September 2nd 2022. The Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) approved this with the following general conditions (Decision BK9-22/001):
the mandatory minimum surcharge is set in the amount of 1.36 €/(kWh/h)/a,
the f-factor is set in the amount of 0.88,
the present value of the binding bookings of the network users is set in the amount of 476,676,259 €.

Publication of the offer level and annual auction

The resulting offer level, consisting of existing capacities and new capacities to be created, was published on the website of FNB Gas in due time two months before the auction in accordance with Art. 28 Par. 3 NC CAM ( In addition, the TSOs involved make the following documents available:
the supplementary terms and conditions for participation in the annual auction,
the decision of the BNetzA for new gas transport capacity to be created at the market area border ZTP - THE [BK9-22/001],
important information about the annual auction.

The annual auction will take place on July 5th 2023 on the auction platform PRISMA.

In addition, Open Grid Europe, as operator of the VIP THE-ZTP, will market the existing capacities.