New uniform tariff for the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area from 1 January 2025

For the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area the transmission system operators have recalculated the uniform tariff from 1 January 2023 on the basis of the decision “Approval of the recalculation of the reference price for the year 2023 (REGENT-recalculation 2023)”, BK9-22/615 of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).

The recalculated annual tariff for firm, freely allocable entry and exit capacity will be 6.03 EUR/(kWh/h)/a, applicable from 1 January 2023.

Compared to the tariff for the year 2023 published in May 2022 of 4.82 EUR/(kWh/h)/a, this results in an increase of around 25.1 percent for firm freely allocable entry and exit capacities in the THE market area.

Compared to the tariff of the year 2022 of 3.51 EUR/(kWh/h)/a, the tariff for firm freely allocable entry and exit capacities in the THE market area will be around 71.8 percent higher.

The tariff for the year 2023 published in May 2022 took into consideration that due to the geopolitical situation, partly changed gas flows and consequently adjusted market booking behaviour had to be assumed. In addition, the significantly increased costs for driving energy also led to an increase of the tariff.
The recalculation of the tariff has become necessary due to the further developments of the geopolitical situation, the resulting consequences for the European natural gas market and thus also for the forecasts of bookings and costs of the transmission system operators, which were not yet foreseeable at the time of the calculation of the tariffs published in May 2022.