Interconnector smashes fitness challenge and donates £5,000 to charity

Interconnector successfully completed its recent fitness challenge, which was to travel the distance in miles from London to Rio whilst engaging in various fitness activities. This was to promote well-being whilst working from home and also to celebrate Fluxys’s first investment outside of Europe – TBG. The target was 5,749 miles and the team smashed that target with almost four weeks remaining, reaching a total of 6,179 miles.

Interconnector pledged to donate £5,000 to charity if the target was reached. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that the chosen charity is National Energy Action (Action for Warm Homes). The NEA is the national fuel poverty charity, working towards ensuring that people are warm and safe at home. The NEA works on numerous campaigns to tackle fuel poverty, including providing financial support to help struggling households improve the heating and insulation of their properties, thus helping make their homes easier and cheaper to heat, as well as reducing carbon emissions.

A great effort by everyone and a great cause!

NEA UK Charity tweet