INT Publishes Latest Charging Statement

INT has today published its latest Charging Statement which will take effect from 24 February onwards

The changes are as follows: 

  • The Monthly tariff for UK to BE capacity for March has been revised to 2.5p/th while the DA/WD remains at 6.6p/th.
  • The Monthly and Daily Tariffs for UK to BE capacity between April – Sep 22 have been revised to 2.5p/th and 5.0p/th respectively;
  • The Daily Tariffs for BE to UK capacity between April – Sep 22 have been revised to 3.0p/th;
  • The Bespoke Quarterly product remains available for the summer at 1.5p/th for UK to BE capacity, while the Summer Flex incentive for Q2 and Q3 22 has been removed.
  • A further bi-directional incentive for Quarterly and Seasonal products covering Q2 and Q3 22 and Summer 22 has been introduced. Where Shippers satisfy the terms outlined in the Charging Statement, both flow directions can be secured for a total of 1.6p/th for Q2-Q3 22 and for 1.3p/th for Summer 22.  

These changes bolster INT’s incentivisation of longer term capacity compared to the shorter term options.

The Seasonal (1.2p/th) and Quarterly (1.5p/th) tariffs for this period remain unchanged and offer Shippers an attractive option for securing UK export capacity for the Summer. The increase in the shorter term tariffs reflects the physical and operational flexibility offered by INT where Shippers can decide to flow gas within-day with only 4h notice. Shippers can also still access Bespoke Quarterly products using a combination of 3 consecutive months (via IAM and PRISMA) at the Quarterly tariff of 1.5p/th rather than the individual monthly tariffs. 

For further information on the incentive rules and the updates tariffs please see INT’s latest Charging Statement.