INT May Monthly Auction - Update

In light of the current market conditions, it is anticipated that the Monthly CAM NC Auction for Interconnector’s May (UK to BE flow direction) capacity may not be concluded before the final auction round which is due to close at 18:30 CET on Friday 29 April. 
If this is the case, then no Monthly capacity will be allocated to Shippers who participated in this auction. 
The remaining available Interconnector capacity will be offered in the Day Ahead and Within Day auctions on PRISMA for the remainder of the month. This capacity will be offered bundled with National Grid capacity at the Bacton IP (BACTONEXITIP_INT) and with Fluxys Belgium capacity at the Zeebeach (IZT (IUK) / IZT(Fluxys – Zeebrugge Beach) and ZTP (IZT (IUK) / IZT (Fluxys-ZTP) points. This is in line with the PRISMA General Terms & Conditions.
Interconnector markets up to 90% of its technical capacity via its Implicit Allocation Mechanism (“IAM”). If the Monthly Auction on PRISMA is not concluded then the unsold capacity which will be made re-available to IAM is 6,236kWh/h. This is due to high levels of activity through this sales channel prior to the Monthly Auction on PRISMA commencing.