Fluxys Belgium market consultation 29 - 29bis

2018 - Market Consultation 29 -Changes to the Standard Connection Agreement

In order to optimise the services for the connected end consumers, Fluxys Belgium proposed some changes to the Standard Connection Agreement as from 5 to 29 June 2018.

The following document was proposed for consultation : Standard Connection Agreement in French or in Dutch

The changes in consultation are described in a summary in French or in Dutch.

2018 - Market Consultation 29bis - Changes to the Standard Connection Agreement

Your suggestions and remarks made during the market consultation 29 are included in a new version of this Standard Connection Agreement. 

You had the opportunity to evaluate this new version of the "Standard Connection Agreement" as well as the changes in the "Operational Procedures" during an additional market consultation as from 10 until 19 October 2018.

The following documents were proposed for consultation :

Current status of the consultation

Step 1 finished step 3 finished step 4 finished step 5 finished
Invitation to participate Review after comments Approval CREG Updated documents

Consultation report

The consultation report provides an overview of the main reactions to the proposed changes (only available in Dutch): Consultation Report

CREG Decision

The decision (B)1895 is published on the CREG website (in French).