Subscription Window for Storage Services - March 2019

Subscription Window for Storage Services - March 2019

Subscription Window for Storage Services - March 2019

Subscription Window for Storage Services

You are invited to participate in a new subscription window on 11 March 2019
from 8 AM to 12 PM for Yearly storage services at our storage facility in Loenhout.

What can you subscribe ?

Standard Bundled Units and Additional Storage Services can be subscribed as follows:

  • Offered quantity is detailed in the terms and conditions for subscription.
  • Service period: minimum 1 year of storage capacities, starting on 15 April 2019.
  • You will receive your allocation on 11 March 2019 - 3 PM, priority will be given to Standard Bundled Units, followed by additional storage services for the remaining quantities. Final allocation remains subject to the simulation of the installation.
  • After the allocation related to this subscription window, the allocation regime will be “First Committed, First Served” for yearly services until 15 April 2019.


How can you subscribe ?

Ask your subscription form at and send your binding requests during the subscription window on 11 March 2019 from 8 AM to 12 PM.

More information ?

Contact us by phone on +32 2 282 67 70 / +32 2 282 62 66 or by e-mail at