Entry / Exit on Interconnection Points - Belgium

Your solution to enter the Belgian market area, trade on ZTP, supply the domestic market and connect with adjacent markets


Product description

Entry services

With entry services, you inject a quantity of natural gas into the Belgian transmission grid via an Interconnection Point. 

Exit services 

With exit services, you easily transfer natural gas from the Belgian Transmission grid at an Interconnection Point and transport it to an adjacent market area or to supply a Belgian end consumer through a domestic exit point.


Entry and exit services automatically give you access to the ZTP Trading Point and to the flexibility offered by the market based balancing system.



Types of capacity

Firm capacity

  • Always available
  • Usable under normal operating conditions.

Interruptible capacity

  • Cheaper than firm capacity, but may be interrupted in case of physical restrictions on our transmission grid
  • Offered when firm transmission services are available in limited quantity
  • Historically, probability of interruption usually below 10%

Backhaul capacity

  • At unidirectional interconnection points
  • In the opposite direction of the physical gas flow direction
  • Usable as long as the resulting physical flow remains in the physical direction of the interconnection point.



How to book?

Use PRISMA to book the required capacity at your selected interconnection points.
Depending on the interconnection point, the capacity is acquired through a First-Committed-First-Served principle or an auction process.

BookMore info in video


Auction calendars

The auction calendars of Within-day, Day-Ahead, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly auctions are available here.


Available capacities

Good to know

Interested to have an Additional Shipper Code in order to organise your Entry/Exit Services?
An Additional Shipper Code allows you to track gas flows corresponding to different operations or strategies and this at no extra fee.
Submit your request for a second shipper code by filling in this form and send it to info.transport@fluxys.com

Written request for Dunkirk LNG Entry capacity

In the context of “Call for market interest” organized by Dunkirk LNG Terminal, the Dunkirk LNG Terminal entry capacity can be requested via written request using this application form and send it to info.transport@fluxys.com.

Also interesting

ZTP (BE - LUX)TransmissionScheduling Services


Assign your unused entry and exit capacities on Interconnection Points (bundled or unbundled) or Domestic Points to another Transmission shipper.
ZTP (BE - LUX)TransmissionScheduling Services

Zee Platform

Flow unlimited quantities of natural gas between 2 or more interconnection points in the Zeebrugge area for a fixed monthly price
ZTP (BE - LUX)TransmissionScheduling Services

Overnomination - Fluxys Belgium

Simply nominate and get your interruptible, Within-Day or Day-Ahead capacity at all Fluxys Belgium Interconnection points.
ZTP (BE - LUX)TransmissionScheduling Services

Cross Border Delivery Service

Transfer your gas easily from a neighbouring Transport System Operator to the transmission system of Fluxys Belgium.

Your point of contact