Zeebrugge: LNG now by rail as well

The Zeebrugge LNG terminal again widens its destination flexibility. This week we saw the first customer load an LNG container at the facility for rail transport from the port. This lowers emissions and widens destination flexibility.

Joining forces

The Zeebrugge LNG terminal joined forces with several partners to combine services available in the port of Zeebrugge into an intermodal logistics chain.

Customer Prima LNG loading the LNG container at the Zeebrugge LNG terminal

Customer Prima LNG loading the LNG container at the Zeebrugge LNG terminal

Shunter Macotruck transferring the LNG container to rail at the CSP Zeebrugge terminal. Train operator Lineas taking the LNG container to its destination in Italy

Low-emission, cost efficient, deeper into Europe

Intermodal LNG transport is an attractive proposition as it has several advantages. It reduces emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants while being more cost efficient and reaching new destinations across Europe.

Ample destination flexibility

The port of Zeebrugge offers particularly good connections with the four major rail hubs in Europe: Antwerp, Cologne, Rotterdam and Dourges. From there, LNG containers can be further dispatched across Europe.

  • Give us a call at +32 2 282 77 77
    Do you wish we facilitate your intermodal LNG transport from the Zeebrugge LNG terminal?