Dunkerque LNG is offering 3,5 Bcma of regasification capacity between 2023 and 2036

Dunkerque LNG terminal: opportunity to book up to 3,5 Bcma regasification capacity

European LNG imports have witnessed a strong increase in recent years and are expected to continue to rise as gas will be key in the energy transition, gas demand is expected to remain resilient and indigenous gas production continues to fall. North-Western Europe will be the destination of choice thanks to its liquid and strongly interconnected markets.

In light of the limited availability of regasification capacity in the market and considering the currently unsold capacity at its terminal, Dunkerque LNG is organising a Call for Market Interest process (“Capacity 2023-2036”) offering the unique opportunity to book up to 3,5 billion cubic meters per annum of regasification capacity with a minimum of 3 years between 2023-2036.

Thanks to its location and its technical characteristics, the Dunkerque LNG facility stands out as one of the most attractive terminals in Europe. Its shippers are benefiting from several distinctive advantages including no gas-in-kind used in the regasification process, an ideal location in North-Western Europe with a direct access to 2 gas markets, as well as a broad operational and commercial flexibility.

The qualification phase of the Call for Market Interest process has started on February 1st and will close on February 25th, 2022. Are you keen to learn more about the regasification capacity available? Please order your Capacity 2023-2036 documentation by providing your company details below and you will receive the documentation in your mailbox.



Request your Call for Market Interest documentation

Please note that Dunkerque LNG SAS requires the requested information in order to allow your company to participate to the Capacity 2023-2036 process. Should any of the information you submitted by filling in this form constitute personal data in the meaning of the applicable data protection legislation, such data shall be processed in accordance with such legislation.