Fluxys Belgium - Market Consultation 64 - Monthly calculation of hourly Distribution Capacity per type of Customer

Through this market consultation that will take place from 16 June to 07 July 2023, Fluxys Belgium is proposing adjustments to its regulatory documents for transmission with a focus on changes to the Access Code for Transmission Attachment B, more in particular a:

  • Modification of the calculation frequency of the hourly Distribution Capacity per type of Customer

As a consequence of the deployment of smart meters in Belgium, and the consequently monthly switch of some customers from the Customer Segment EAV to Customer Segment MRC, Fluxys Belgium proposes to adjust accordingly the calculation frequency of the hourly Distribution Capacity per type of Customer from yearly to monthly.


Documents in consultation (with track changes):

You are kindly invited to send your written comments to marketing@fluxys.com by Friday, July 07th 2023 close of business.

Please specify in your response, whether the content is to be treated as confidential or not. Unless otherwise mentioned, all comments will be treated as non-confidential.