Fluxys Belgium - Market Consultation 69: Update for all regulatory documents and a new connection agreement Local Producer non-compatible gas

Participate in our market consultation that will take place from 15 October 2024 to 5 November 2024. The following changes are introduced in the regulatory documents:

  • To the Access Code for Transmission (ACT) – Attachments A and B:

(i) Updating the procedure for using Capacity Conversion Service
(ii) Updating the procedure in case an End User Domestic Exit Point has an
                Allocation Agreement with multiple Network Users and one of the
                concerned Network User decides to terminate the transport services
                towards this End User Domestic Exit Point
(iii) Removal of the L Capacity Switch Service, in the framework of the
                physical L-gas to H-gas conversion project
(iv) Removal of the non-peak capacity exceeding and associated calculation

  •  To the Transmission Program
    (i) Removal of obsolete references to OCUC and Wheeling Services
  •  To the Standard Transmission Agreement
    (i) small changes to include into an allocation agreement the Local Producer
            and the Domestic Point for Injection
  • Introduction of a new Connection Agreement for local producers of non-compatible gases.

The following document summarises the proposed changes: Key Note Consultation 69


Documents in consultation (with track changes):


You are kindly invited to send your written comments to marketing@fluxys.com by 5 November 2024 before 17:00 CET.

Please mention in your response whether the content is to be treated as confidential or not. Unless otherwise specified, all comments will be treated as non-confidential.