INT BE to GB Capacity Product Offering Update

For all future GYs during the period of 01 October – 31 March only, INT will offer 30% of its technical BE to GB capacity as Interruptible Capacity.

This will be implemented with immediate effect in the following ways; 

  • Annual, Quarterly & Monthly products: the remaining Firm Capacity will be offered in the PRISMA auctions and via IAM*. If the remaining Firm capacity has sold out or has been sold at a premium, then INT will offer the remaining 30% of the BE to GB capacity as Interruptible Capacity in the relevant Interruptible auction windows (unbundled).

  • Daily products: the remaining Firm Capacity will be offered in the PRISMA auctions. If the Firm BE to GB capacity has sold out, then the remaining BE to GB capacity will be offered as Interruptible in the Interruptible DA auction (unbundled). 
  • Within Day products: the remaining Firm Capacity will be offered in the PRISMA auctions. If the Firm BE to GB capacity has sold out, then the remaining BE to GB capacity will be offered as Interruptible via Overnomination (unbundled). 

*For GY22-23, no additional Firm BE to GB capacity will be offered via IAM after the close of the Quarterly Auction (Aug 22). For future GYs, 50% of the Firm BE to GB capacity will continue to be made available via IAM. 
INT’s Interruptible capacity is offered to the market at 90% of the Firm capacity price to reflect the interruptible nature; in case of interruption as per Section I of the IAC the capacity cost is not reimbursable. INT retains the right to interrupt this capacity when a Demand Response notification has been received from its IZT Electricity Supplier and for other operational reasons. 
This change is in line with the simplification implemented between December 2021 – 31 March 2022 and provides the market with a much clearer commercial proposition for this tranche of capacity.
There are no changes to already contracted Firm BE to GB capacity, or to the GB to BE capacity product offering for these periods.