Loenhout storage facility is the perfect solution to store your natural gas.

This facility is an aquifer storage for high calorific natural gas with a firm capacity of 7,6 TWh and additional volume (depending on physical conditions) between 0,8 and 1,3 TWh.

Why store your gas at Loenhout (Belgium) ?

  • Seize every market opportunity and get storage capacity that is connected to several liquid markets and terminals 
  • Switch easily from injection to withdrawal mode or make last minute (re)nominations
  • Adapt to variations in gas consumption and entry flows throughout the year
  • Get access to a secure and flexible gas supply

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Storage Services at Loenhout

Priority Booster

Priority on the available unused capacity on a daily basis with a maximum of the subscribed amount.

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Golden Standard Bundled Unit

Storage package (Firm Injection, Firm Volume, Firm Withdrawal) designed to enhance the flexibility of the storage product to its maximum in order to seize every market opportunity.

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24/7 Operations
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  • Get in contact with our commercial teams