Open season to import and deliver ammonia in the Port of Antwerp

    Fluxys and Advario have joined forces for the development of a state-of-the-art new ammonia (NH₃) terminal in Antwerp.

    As from June 2024, Fluxys and Advario are running a call for market interest for the project "NH₃ Antwerp Terminal". To involve stakeholders in the development process, Advario and Fluxys are launching the first step of their commercial process: an Expression of Interest.

    The Expression of Interest will gauge the interest and engage prospective partners with the aim of defining their needs, allocate capacities in the terminal and the associated ecosystem such as the NH₃ pipeline. Interested parties are invited to participate and contribute to shaping the future of NH₃ infrastructure in Europe.

    To participate in the Expression of Interest, participants are kindly requested to sign the NDA and fill out a form that will be shared upon NDA signature. After reception, Advario and Fluxys will exchange with prospective customers on their needs, the expression of interest contract and the next steps.


    Customer information

    Non-binding nature of the market consultation

    Until signature of the Expression of Interest contract, the market consultation is non-binding. The Expression of Interest contract will be shared to clients once the form is completed and first discussions have taken place.

    Non-disclosure agreement

    All information you share with Fluxys and Advario through the Expression of Interest will be treated as confidential in accordance with the non-disclosure agreement below. If you wish to formalise this non-disclosure agreement, you can fill out, sign and send the document back to and prior to filling out the Expression of Interest.

    Non-disclosure agreement

    Fluxys Advario ammonia import terminal Antwerp

    Fluxys Advario Ammonia Antwerp Terminal