Fluxys launches additional proposal for hydrogen infrastructure in Belgium

Following previous proposals in other regions, Fluxys is today asking industrial stakeholders to express their interest in connecting to open access hydrogen infrastructure in Charleroi.

Joint commercial process started in early 2021

In early 2021, Fluxys started a joint commercial process for the development of hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure in Belgium. Potential users and industrial players of the future hydrogen and CO2 network were asked to take part in an informative market consultation. The information collected provided a clear overview of how market needs may evolve geographically and over time.

Specific infrastructure proposals

In late 2021 and early 2022, Fluxys launched specific infrastructure proposals for hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure for various industrial clusters. Today we are supplementing the hydrogen package with a proposal for Charleroi. A proposal for the port of Zeebrugge is being prepared.

More about the open access hydrogen infrastructure proposal in Charleroi

In the joint commercial process, the proposals for the various industrial clusters are the next step towards laying new pipelines and repurposing existing infrastructure in line with market needs, thus ensuring Fluxys can efficiently transmit both hydrogen and CO2 by mid-2026.

Fully aligned with the federal government's hydrogen strategy

This market reach-out is fully in line with the federal government's hydrogen strategy published in October 2021. Fluxys proposes to develop the necessary infrastructure for industrial clusters and to make connections between these clusters and with neighbouring countries in order to make Belgium an import and transit hub in a pan-European hydrogen transmission grid.