Fluxys LNG - Long-term additional regasification capacity 2027-2044

In response to the change of the gas energy market and the very high LNG demand, Fluxys LNG has dedicated the past few years to optimize the utilization of its infrastructure in Zeebrugge and to enhance the scheduling of vessels by offering additional short-term slots (regasification) on top of the existing long-term basis capacity of the terminal.

Fluxys LNG ran a Call for Market Interest between November 2023 and February 2024 to capture the feedback of the market players regarding the LNG services of the Zeebrugge Terminal and possible expansion plans based on the market demand. Many shippers expressed a serious interest in getting access to the Zeebrugge Terminal and securing long-term regasification capacities.

In order to address such long-term demand, Fluxys LNG has decided to convert its current short-term offering of additional slots (offered the last few years on a yearly or monthly basis) into long-term capacities and consequently, increasing the nameplate long-term regasification capacity of the Zeebrugge Terminal from 110 to 134 slots per year as of April 2027.

Therefore, Fluxys LNG proposed some modifications to the regulatory documents and conducted a Market Consultation in April 2024. These amendments were approved by the Regulator CREG on 7th June 2024.

Fluxys LNG is pleased to announce that this additional long-term capacity for the period 2027-2044 will be offered to the market via a subscription window organized between Monday 10th June and Monday 1st July 2024.


What is offered?

The LNG services on offer are 2 lots of Slots and each lot consists of:

  • 9 Slots in 2027 available as of April 2027, and
  • 12 Slots per year as from 2028 until 2044 (included)

For each lot, the number of Slots per year is fixed. Participants are however free to choose the start year and end year of the period for which they would like to subscribe these lots.

What is a Slot?

A Slot is a bundled product consisting of a berthing right, storage rights and send out rights.


How to subscribe?

Please be advised that a signed LNG Services Agreement (LSA) must be in place prior to participating in this Subscription Window.
• These 2 lots of Slots will be offered in a subscription window from 10th June 2024 until 1st July 2024 at 14h00.
• Complete, sign and send us the Service Request Form for Contracting (SRFC) at the latest by 1st July 2024 at 14h00. All communication concerning participation is to be done via info.lng@fluxys.com.
• LNG Services on offer will be allocated by Terminal Operator latest on 5th July 2024 at 14h00 based on the binding requests received applying the allocation rules defined in the Terms and Conditions.
• In case capacity is still available after this Subscription Window, Terminal Operator will launch an Auction Window to sell the remaining Services within 10 weeks following the end of the Subscription Window.

Useful documents

More information?

Feel free to contact your Key Account Manager or send your questions to info.lng@fluxys.com.